Hi there guy, here are a couple of quotes, that speak for themselves. We continue on the same line as the other posts, talking mostly of our choices. Suffice is to say that all of them lead us to think about our own lives a how we are living them. (By the way there are some quote in Spanish)
only reality you can control is the one you’re willing to face—and who would
want to live in a reality that was controlled by someone else? It’s a cage, no
matter how gilded. Every lie a person tell oneself forges another link in the
chains that bind." (Fever Series)
much truth can you face? How free do you dare to be? If the choice is yours—and
it is—wouldn’t you crave absolute freedom? The more clearly one sees that
there’s nothing within, the more power one has to create whatever one wants
without." (Fever Series)
buscamos la libertad, queremos ser libres. Una adolescente piensa ‘cuando crezca y no tenga que obedecer más a mis
padres ahí si voy a ser libre’
¿Pero qué es ser libre? ¿No estar presos es ser libre? La libertad es peculiar, angustia tanto no tenerla, como tenerla. Ser libre a veces te llena de miedos.
Leí sobre el caso de un hombre que era asmático y que fue puesto preso. La paradoja es que en la cárcel se le fue el asma. En la cárcel no hay opción. La libertad te da miles de opciones. La libertad te obliga a elegir. Una libertad te obliga. Es una paradoja. Hay que estar preparado para reclamar libertad porque la podes conseguir. Ser liberado es como abrir los ojos a la luz después de mucha oscuridad. La libertad encandila, enceguece.
¿Pero qué es ser libre? ¿No estar presos es ser libre? La libertad es peculiar, angustia tanto no tenerla, como tenerla. Ser libre a veces te llena de miedos.
Leí sobre el caso de un hombre que era asmático y que fue puesto preso. La paradoja es que en la cárcel se le fue el asma. En la cárcel no hay opción. La libertad te da miles de opciones. La libertad te obliga a elegir. Una libertad te obliga. Es una paradoja. Hay que estar preparado para reclamar libertad porque la podes conseguir. Ser liberado es como abrir los ojos a la luz después de mucha oscuridad. La libertad encandila, enceguece.
suena a no tener límites, pero en realidad ser libres es tener la libertad de
moverse entre algunos límites. Libertad es mucho más que elegir, es hacerse
cargo de esa elección. Es más fácil hacerle caso a alguien que hacerse caso a
sí mismo, porque eso es ser libre, hacerte caso.
¿Quién queres ser? ¿Vas a hacerte cargo de lo que elegís? ¿Vas a elegir? Aunque no quieras, aunque no lo sepas, siempre elegimos. Estamos condenados a ser libres. Ser libres es ser esclavo de las consecuencias de tu elección. Otra paradoja. Y hacerte cargo de las consecuencias de tus elecciones te vuelve a liberar.
¿Quién queres ser? ¿Vas a hacerte cargo de lo que elegís? ¿Vas a elegir? Aunque no quieras, aunque no lo sepas, siempre elegimos. Estamos condenados a ser libres. Ser libres es ser esclavo de las consecuencias de tu elección. Otra paradoja. Y hacerte cargo de las consecuencias de tus elecciones te vuelve a liberar.
buscamos la libertad. Habrá que hacerse cargo de lo que hiciste, lo que haces y
lo que harás, y tener una vida condenadamente libre y plena de sentido." (Casi Angeles, La Resistencia)
"The whole world is in
chess. Any move can be the death of you. Do anything except remain where you
started, and you can't be sure of your end. None of us know our end, really, or
what hand will guide us there. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son,
but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his
own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in
your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men
of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by
others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This
will not suffice." (Kingdom Of Heaven)
"The truth is a beautiful
and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution." (Harry Potter movies)
"It is our choices that show
what we truly are, far more than our abilities."(Harry Potter movies)
"The consequences of our
actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very
difficult business indeed." (Harry Potter movies)
"Numbing the pain for a
while will make it worse when you finally feel it. It is my belief... that the
truth is generally preferable to lies." (Harry Potter movies)
"It matters not what someone
is born, but what they grow to be!" (Harry Potter movies)
"The time should come when
you have to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy." (Harry Potter movies)
"It was, he thought, the
difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death
and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps,
would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but I know that
there was all the difference in the world." (Harry Potter movies)
"Your life is defined by its
opportunities... even the ones you miss." (The Curious Case Of Benjamin Buttom)
"It's not about how well you
play, it's how you feel about what you play." (The Curious Case Of Benjamin Buttom)
"I have to do the best I can with what
I have." (Batman: The Dark Knight)
"Sometimes the truth isn't good enough.
Sometimes, people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their
faith rewarded..." (Batman: The Dark Knight)
"You make your own luck..." (Batman: The Dark Knight)
"The past can hurt. But the way I see
it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." (The Lion King)
"Everything begins with choice." (Matrix)
"Choice, the problem is choice." (Matrix)
is like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get." (Forest Gump)
to do the best with what
God gave you." (Forest Gump)
not living as such that's important, it’s living rightly." (Immortal)
So.. what do you think about it? most of the quotes talk about the same, other no so much as the contradict one another. Like the ones talking about the truth of the lie.. You tell me what you think. Do you apply this concepts in your day to day life or not? It would be good to think about, after all, we don't read so many books and watch so many movies for nothing!!
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